Amplifier releases live show as Christmas gift for fans

The UK band Amplifier released their Live In Berlin (2013) show as a ‘name your price’ gift on Bandcamp for the fans, along with the following message:

“Thanks for holding in 2020/2021
Abnormal service returning soon!

In the meantime here’s an old favourite getting an audio release.
Feel free to put 0 in the box if times are hard

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year

You can order the live album here:

Frosty-V Episode 2

The second episode of Frosty-V, with Cordelia Binkington-Pus-Barton-Lamp-Thundercock-Numan and Bertrand Russel-Er…Branden-Hausen-Brand-X!

Iris Picks: 80s SAGA Songs

A music podcast series by your favourite roving reporter, putting certain bands and artists in the spotlight. This episode contains my favourite SAGA songs from the eighties! Guess which songs I’ve picked! Enjoy!

All podcasts are ad and commercial free!
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